
List of i doser doses and descriptions
List of i doser doses and descriptions

list of i doser doses and descriptions list of i doser doses and descriptions

In all cases, the code utilized, be it NDC, CVX or CPT, should be the most specific and granular representation possible of the vaccine given. The CVX and/or NDC code systems are highly recommended when exchanging immunization data, but if a sending system must use CPT codes, this table may be used by the receiving system to translate the CPT code to the single best CVX code equivalent. The goal of the table is to support mapping of CPT codes to CVX codes in systems that receive CPT codes as part of an electronic data exchange.

list of i doser doses and descriptions

This table cross-references Current Procedural Terminology (CPT™) codes that are related to vaccines, toxoids and immune globulins with their corresponding CVX codes.

List of i doser doses and descriptions